Following the tradition of having IMI Days in different countries, we would like to extend an invitation to those of you who expressed interest in attending the IMI meeting in Paris and those of you who might be in Paris in early November.
DATE & TIME: Monday, November 9, 2015, 14:00 – 18:00
VENUE: ICC Headquarters, 33-43 Avenue du Président Wilson, 75116 Paris, France
The meeting is by invitation only and space is limited to 100 participants. The meeting will give members of the IMI Community and those interested in the work of IMI an opportunity to find out about IMI, the values & role, current activities and recent developments such as UNCITRAL, The EU Mediation Directive and the upcoming Global Pound Conference Series 2016-17.
There is no cost for attending. We ask that you RSVP to this invitation with your name by email to
Please do indicate if there are any issues you would like to discuss at the meeting to IMI Operations Manager Emma Ewart at:
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is kindly hosting IMI Day at the ICC headquarters prior to the 6thAnnual International Mediation Conference for Users of Mediation, to be held on November 10, 2015, at the same location. IMI Certified Mediators & Mediation Advocates/Advisors and members of the IMI Community will benefit from the reduced conference registration fees for this event.
Please see the invitation to the ICC 6th Annual International Mediation Conference
The Conference, by the International Centre for ADR of the ICC, is a renowned annual event which offers a unique forum for more than 100 users of commercial mediation to exchange best practices and know-how. It provides an opportunity for company representatives to discuss techniques for effective conflict management, dispute avoidance, early dispute resolution and the efficient use of mediation.
This one-day event is attended by and especially tailored to the needs and interests of in-house counsel worldwide and it includes presentations, round table discussions and group exercises.
The title of this year’s Conference is “Effective Dispute Management for Better Business”. The objective of the conference is to allow participants to build an action plan managing their disputes in a way that improves their business outcomes.
Topics will include:
– Anticipating & preventing disputes
– Key skills for negotiating successfully
– Controlling conflict dynamics
– Mediating for a better business outcome
– Business mediation role-play
– Successfully mediating pending litigation
– New trends in business mediation
Speakers include legal counsel from several international companies as well as dispute resolution experts and business academics.
For more information on the event, please visit the event’s webpage and download the programme at: