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Anthony Lo Surdo S.C.
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I have conducted over 400 complex, multi-party mediations over the last decade, been appointed arbitrator in over 100 domestic and international arbitrations and I am regularly appointed as an expert determiner.

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Catherine Gillespie
Feedback Digest by Catherine Gillespie, 14 Sep 2022 I was provided with 13 feedback forms from 1 x Barrister and 12 x Solicitors who had represented parties for whom Mr Lo Surdo acted as Mediator, mostly in early to mid-2022. Two Solicitors offered comments relating to ‘several’ mediations Mr Lo Surdo had conducted (without mentioning the specific number of mediations they were referring to). The feedback demonstrated Mr Lo Surdo had provided mediation services for a range of complex disputes (relating to commercial, family, negligence, property and Supreme Court matters). It is evident that Mr Lo Surdo is highly regarded in the legal industry for his strong facilitation and communication skills and his extensive knowledge and experience. Every Reviewer stated they would recommended his services to others based on their assessment of Mr Lo Surdo’s professional character, the fair, effective and efficient process he adopts and the successful outcomes he had been able to achieve. The Reviewers appreciated Mr Lo Surdo’s ability to assist parties to broaden their perspectives before leading them to narrow their focus on the real issues within the dispute and adopt a ‘negotiation mindset’. A number of Reviewers commented on Mr Lo Surdo’s successful style which was able to maintain the negotiation momentum via robust and relevant discussions and stimulate problem solving and option generation. While the majority of Reviewers believed Mr Lo Surdo was able to assist the parties to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of their cases without imposing his judgement, three of the Reviewers expressed their style preference for Mr Lo Surdo to be more forceful in the manner by which he expressed his views and challenged parties, particularly in relation to the weak points of their argument. Overall, Mr Lo Surdo was described as highly professional, detailed and well prepared, empathetic, calm and well measured.
by Catherine Gillespie, 13 Sep 2024
Alan Limbury
Feedback digest by Alan Limbury, 17 Jul 2018 This Feedback Digest is based on 13 feedback forms in 13+ mediations, initially submitted in March, 2017 by barristers or solicitors representing parties for whom Mr. Lo Surdo has acted as a mediator in more than 13 mediations in the past 15 months. (One respondent mentioned several mediations without stating how many). Mr. Lo Surdo is consistently rated at Performance Level 5 by those representatives. All would recommend Mr. Lo Surdo as a mediator and would use him again as a mediator in the future. The types of disputes involved included commercial litigation; breach of contract; professional negligence; leases and mortgages; employee restraint of trade and a livestock lease. Mr. Lo Surdo’s fees were generally considered reasonable and respondents reported a very high degree of satisfaction with his mediation services. Virtually all of Mr. Lo Surdo’s mediations resulted in resolution, either at the time or shortly thereafter. Particular praise was given for Mr. Lo Surdo’s thorough preparation, often at short notice; his patience, perseverance and sound judgement; and his ability quickly to determine and articulate the issues in contention and to speak to the parties effectively as to their risks in litigation. Also found to be helpful was that he was not shy in offering his opinion; was able to challenge the parties in their thinking on their respective positions and to engage in thoughtful exploration of options. No negative comments have been reported in the period under consideration.

This feedback digest was last updated 14 March 2017.
by Alan Limbury, 13 Sep 2024
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