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David Owen Qc
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IMI Support
Feedback digest by IMI Support, 23 Aug 2018 This Feedback Digest is based on 31 feedback in 15 mediations, initially submitted on Sunday 21st July 2013. This digest is based on feedback from a sample of 15 mediations between 2006 and 2013, and on general comments received from mediation participants. The mediations all related to commercial disputes, and covered a wide variety of sectors, eg. banking, shipping, pharmaceuticals; insurance, and international trade. There was a very high level of satisfaction expressed, with frequent references to using David again and recommending him to others as a mediator. There were no negative comments. In terms of style, the feedback refers to David’s “calm and measured efficiency”, which participants found to be “balanced” and “persuasive”. The feedback identifies his ability to deal with parties perceived to be difficult, or as not being willing to negotiate. He is said to exercise his authority well, and to have the ability to cool emotions. It is noted that he recognises the key drivers for the individuals involved. His patience and good humour throughout long and difficult mediation sessions also featured in the feedback. His mediation skills are stated to be “very impressive under fire!” As one would expect from an experienced barrister and QC, the feedback refers to his use of legal skills to highlight key issues, and to his very clear presentation of points so that parties could understand their relative strengths and weaknesses. Parties appreciate his use of authority, so that, without advising, he can convey how points could develop for each party. His use of reality testing also attracted favourable comment. In terms of the mediation process, the feedback highlights the extent of his pre-mediation preparation. He is said to have a grasp of the detail from his pre-reading, and to make useful contact with parties before mediation hearings. One respondent appreciated the way he alerted parties at the outset to potential obstacles to settlement, helping them to deal with those obstacles later in the process. His flexibility throughout the process attracts favourable comment, for example in deciding whether or not to have a joint session. A theme running through the feedback is that he is keen to help the parties reach an agreement, but lets them move at their own pace, without bullying and without putting parties under undue pressure. It is said that he guides parties “gently and subtly in hard negotiations”, and that he “gets results cleverly”. He is seen as a “conscientious and hard-working” mediator, prepared to stay long hours to help parties finalise their agreement. His post-mediation follow-up is also valued. He is referred to as being “supportive before, during and after mediations, staying long after normal ours in order to ensure settlement is reached and documented properly.” David also contributes to the field by sharing his knowledge, skill and enthusiasm with those new to mediation as a member of the CEDR Training Faculty, and he is a valued colleague in that context, too. Heather Allen Mediator and Head of CEDR Faculty
This feedback digest was last updated 22 July 2013.
by IMI Support, 28 Apr 2024
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