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Tina Monberg
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My background as a qualified solicitor, psychotherapist and corporate lawyer has given me a unique insight into the potential for mediation. After graduating in mediation from Harvard Law School, I became a coach and trainer for mediators.

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Susanne Dethlefsen
Feedback digest by Susanne Dethlefsen, 13 Jul 2018 This feedback digest is based on 22 feedbacks in 30 mediations from 2005-2012. All evaluations state that Tina Monberg’s skills are top quality in setting up, explaining and preparing for the mediation. She is fair and impartial to both parties and highly effective. All mediations resulted in a resolution. Her influence keeps negotiators focused on key issues, needs and values as well as future interests. She has a genuinely caring attitude and is a good listener. All parties mention the mediation as an inspiring and very good experience. A wide range of mediation skills have emerged from feedbacks and in particular, frequent mention was made of Tina Monberg’s great results, her insight, professional skills and the fact that she has increased value in organizational details and results. Tina Monberg has a great impact on the development of the collaborative culture and she has worked on all levels in organisations from top management to mediation with activists on building sites – always with positive results. Tina Monberg is recognised for her professional performance creating a positive and constructive atmosphere, which is imperative for the definition and resolution of mutual conflicts. Several feedback providers complimented Tina on how competently she goes through the mediation process and all parties express their satisfaction. She makes clear what the conflict is about and involves the parties in the resolution. She facilitates brilliantly a written agreement about future collaboration, and participants report acknowledgement of the challenges and the agreement. A very high percentage of parties would recommend Tina Monberg as a mediator, a fact borne out by the number of parties willing to use her again and to provide a reference to parties considering the engagement of Tina Monberg as a mediator in the future. No reportable negative comments have arisen in the past 8 calendar years.
This feedback digest was last updated 4 February 2013.
by Susanne Dethlefsen, 13 Sep 2024
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