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Annette van Riemsdijk
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Mediator and Director, Mediators Beyond Borders, The Netherlands. A Certified Mediator with several bodies with a distinguished record in ADR practice as a solicitor since 1988 and as a mediator since 1993. She is an arbitrator, trainer and director of The New Resolution Group.

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IMI Certified Mediator
Dutch, English
Evaluative, Facilitative
EQP - Experience Qualification Path (Historic)
Mediation Profile
Training and Education

IMI Code of Professional Conduct NMI and FAS

IMI Professional Conduct Assessment Process NMI and FAS

AON, pobox 12250,1100 AG Amsterdam, € 2.500.000,00 per claim Own risk is 10% with a maximum of € 5.000 During the last 21 years I never had any claim

Annette van Riemsdijk
+ 31 30 6374860
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