
This user account status is Approved
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Maria Quero
Feedback digest by Maria Quero, 31 Jul 2018 This feedback digest is based on 6 feedbacks from 5 mediations, conducted since March 2014. The feedback reports came from companies and parties who saw Mr. Navas mediating. All parties were very satisfied with the mediation process and indicate that they would use this mediator again, and that they would recommend Mr. Navas to others. No negative comments worth reporting have arisen. We do not have within our records any negative comment or experience to note with respects to his work. Feedback qualified him as an excellent mediator. He takes his time to exchange with each party. Reports underline his ability to create a propitious environment for dialogue and that his psychological skills and empathy help to create confidence. Feedback also showed that he is calm, patient and a good listener. He is focused and observant in identifying interests, needs and motivations. They emphasize his capacity to help parties express their points of view, surmounting stress in an atmosphere of respect and exchange. He shows creativity and tenacity to overcome stalemates in discussions. His common sense and legal criteria help him gain the trust of parties and lawyers. Parties feel he provides them the tools to reach a fair agreement.
This feedback digest was last updated 18 February 2016.
by Maria Quero, 28 Apr 2024
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