IMI’s Board of Directors meets on a quarterly basis. In an effort to improve transparency to IMI stakeholders, we are now making agendas publicly available, giving you some insight into what IMI is currently working on and what projects may be upcoming.
- Accepting Q3 minutes
- Board
- Farewells to Mike McIlwrath, Karl Hennessee, Laszlo Molnar.
- Vote to confirm Mike as Honorary Director.
- Vote on proposed new Board members
- Vote on request to replace Alexander Fessas (ICC) with Alya Ladjimi (ICC)
- Projects and operations (Laura)
- Financial update
- Logbook / feedback hub – roll-out.
- Expert network. Discussion
- Mutual recognition policy. Discussion
- Conference 2021 / GPC
- Going ahead: new policy on IMI Certified Mediators and Advocates to pay listing contributions/have active waivers or be deleted—all IMI Certified personnel who responded were in favour of this policy.
- Ongoing program audits (QAPs) approaching completion
- IMI Mediators on website as of Dec 3: 633 Certified, 154 Qualified
- YMI annual report
- Taskforces (Laura):
- Updates re Mixed Mode and reconstituted Ethics Committee.
- Training and Assessment – update re approach to online training.
- Possible deal facilitation/upstream taskforce – for discussion.
- Board Working Group reports
- Digitalisation (James/Andy)
- Global policy (George)
- Diversity and inclusion (Karl)
- Sustainability (Teresa)
- Other business
- Mediation summer camp
- Premise move underway
- Website content rewrite / additional languages
good to read that the office is well constituted and active, To those who have reached their time to be active director, welcome and your services are highly appreciated. To the mediators we practice and be worth the salt.
good work